20 August 2012

Happiness is...

Happiness is...'Home in the Dale in the Shire in the Land in the Kingdom'...
Isn't this a lovely way to introduce a post?

I happened to stumble on Fiona's blog called 'Marmalade Rose' on one of those Pacific North West dreary days...you know, when it is so overcast, it looks to be 1900 hours instead of 0900, it is raining cats and dogs (now where did this saying come from?) and you feel as if nothing will ever be dry again.

One look at her photos and I knew this lovely Yorkshire lady was a true artist, inspired obviously by her surroundings, happy and content with life if one is to judge from her creativity and ramblings. In short someone who lifts you up with a photo or just a witty turn of a phrase.
I felt drawn to her choice of colours from the first!

I  never told Fiona but I spotted her blog name because it reminded me of my MIL: Mum loved both marmalade and roses and the latter was a passion with her...On the walls, cushions, linens, china, pinnies and even her perfume smelled of old world roses.
Cabbage Roses were her favourite...To date our daughter still identifies roses with her GrandMa!

A few weeks back I decided to indulge my nostalgic side and asked Fiona if she could design a brooch for me. It appears her genuine creative talent came to life when I asked her to provide me with a bit of memorabilia:
Flag, Blue Bells, Poppies and of course a RAF reminder (for hubby) for a start. Brooches are a favourite of mine as I hate anything dangling and it dresses up any outfit in no time!

A short while later and on time for me to sport for the Jubilee and the Olympics, a wee parcel arrived and here you have it!

You will notice in the first photo another brooch as well...What can I say? I could not resist it and probably will part with that one (if I can let myself!) and offered as a gift!

Take a moment to discover for yourself the intricate details this lovely lady instills in her creations. One would think the faeries helps her!

For anyone interested (and yes, Fiona will post overseas as of last notice) here is her website address:


Her posts will help you discover the beautiful Yorkshire Dales!

Note to readers: This post reflects my thanks to this lovely lady and was not solicited. All photos are the sole proprietary of Marmalade Rose and/or this blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful, Noelle. She is definitely gifted. The details are amazing.

    And to liven your Pacific North West blues, I am here to let you know that you are one of the lovely ladies who won a pair of the French Flea Market pocket tags. :) Congratulations. I added a little catch to it, and it's funny you mention something similar here in your post. One is to keep and the second is to give away to someone as encouragement. :)

    When you have a chance, do stop by the shop to email your mailing info. Just click on email under my header or sidebar and follow Shopgirl's instructions. ;)
    Have a lovely day!!


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