05 July 2011

Nine Months Later A Little Girl Was Born...

Isn't it odd that our first reaction to bad news is to disbelief? After all, 'these' things happened to others, not 
Until this morning I knew nothing of perinatal asphyxia, or (HIE) hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. 
When the phone rang this morning all I thought of was is it a boy or a girl...

Madeline was born on the Fourth of July but due to birth complications her little heart had to be resuscitated.
Her Mum never got to hold her as treatment needed to be started immediately. Tests to evaluate any possible damage therefore will have to be postponed for 72 hours.

Babbling on the phone to cheer her, I told Madeline's Mum everything will soon be fine, God has a plan after all and pretty soon we will speak of her prom's dress, her first credit card and her college education...
This little girl could have been my grandchild but God had other plans...
Meanwhile we pray, we pray more than we ever have...

I asked everyone at Heavenly Angels In Need to help out...Prayers I just know can work miracles!
And so we wait...and pray and hope...
So many dreams...
Like the little girl in 'Miracle on 34th Street', I will repeat 'I believe, I believe, I believe...'

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