13 February 2010

Puppy love: Meet MacInstosh

As I look online for most things these days like everyone such as recipes, books, historical facts, movies etc... I find myself seeing all sorts of things I am drooling over as my daughter would say!
I am amazed at the many talents displayed in blogs for one thing. Since I struggle to accomplish most things these days I cannot but admire the energy and skills I have seen!

I thought I would take a moment and see what I do, sort of a test if you like.

I love to read, no doubt about that and I have a good memory for facts. I love to knit and I enjoy it very much. That is in fact a ministry in my case according to my husband. If I am going to knit something it is always for someone who needs it. It must explain why the sweater and scarf I started 2 years ago for myself is still in the basket...

I love to cook albeit this has become more of a chore these days...I am often tempted to just grab anything! Still, I just baked some Madeleines...

I am however in love with Corgis! Life without McIntosh (or chocolates!) would just not be the same! Corgi antics is what makes life sweeter! They love us with no reservation, a ball, a frisbee, a treat here and there and they are the best of companions!

And look below who is dreaming now?

To the doggie park we go! Mac and I will share more of those dreams later... You never know what we might teach each other...

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I love to share dreams and always enjoy meeting kindred spirits!
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